Five Simple Solutions for Optimizing the Press Section

The Press Felts play an important role in the paper web after the forming section, giving it smoothness while transporting it to the drying section. Depending on their position on the paper machine, they can be classified as wet felts, top felts and dryer felts.

In addition to removing the most moisture from all press felts, the pick-up felts must pick up delicate sheets from the forming fabric and guide them into the press section. Problems in the pick-up area often result in breakage of the press section.

How can you prevent breaks in the press section of your paper machine? As a Press Felts manufacture, I will share with you.

Press Felts

Press Felts

Increase the moisture content of the felt before the pick-up point.

Water will smooth the paper side of the blanket and improve the tackiness of the blanket. The additional water will increase the water pressure in the first press section. This can lead to better dewatering, but if taken to the extreme, it can also lead to pressing - about which I will write next time.



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